Sève is a software that connects fashion brands and stylists. Our suite of tools make sourcing looks easier for stylists and allow brands to get the exposure they deserve.

More visible

Showcase your collections

- Create your bespoke brand or agency page on Sève.
- Upload your looks by collection and become searchable by tags, values, category and season.
- Stay top of mind for over 850+ premium stylists.
- Share your page with interested stylists, editors, and talent.

More organized

Receive and manage requests

- Receive requests, confirm or decline looks and propose new looks all in one place, never taking or sending a screenshot.
- Field your requests by favourites and connected stylists so your inbox is not overrun.
- Manage all of your conversations and details about pull requests in a dedicated thread so no information gets lost.

More intelligent

Gain data analytics and insights

- Instantly identify your most sought-after looks and top-performing collections.
- Know precisely who are the stylists that are truly championing your brand.
- Evaluate the performance of your PR efforts over time for reporting.
- Visualize and quantify the hard work of your PR team.



Worldclass stylists



Pieces of clothing managed



Hours saved per project

Manage your pulls

Losing information across multiple documents? Manage all your looks and associated information from one highly visual work board. Simply upload looks you're requesting from your desktop or phone, or add them from the Sève Collections to get started.

Export your boards

Tired of powerpoint formatting? In one click export an ultra-clean PDF of any configuration of your workboard to share outside of Sève.

Find & request looks to pull

Looking for something specific? Browse the collections on Sève by keyword, pin looks to your boards, and put in requests without ever leaving our site.

Candice Vogue
Vogue Ludmilla
Giselle Forbes Life
Elle Magazine Cover

“Sève has transformed the way I work and communicate with my assistants, clients and collaborators.”

Karen Clarkson


“This is life changing for us stylists. You can organize all you projects and requests in one place.”

Amandha Gaio


"It's great to have everything in one place for all the team. Also to send my clients a clean, clear PDF of confirmed looks now only takes 3 seconds."

Tom Eerebout



Sève connects stylists and brands, fostering collaboration, communication, and teamwork to create meaningful fashion moments.


Sève optimizes operations, enhances productivity, streamlines workflows and provides data-driven insights. It replaces outdated processes to reduce logistical stress and help stylists and brands achieve their best results.


Sève allows brands and stylists to create new connections, make intelligent decisions and save time, empowering them to focus on what matters.


Our international co-founding team brings together a unique blend of industry expertise and entrepreneurial savoir-faire. Julia and Joshua first crossed paths at HEC Paris, after experiences at LVMH, Bergdorf Goodman and the British Fashion Council. They joined forces with a shared vision to streamline operations within the PR vertical of the Fashion Industry and help brands achieve the organic exposure they deserve.

This new platform will be the ideal tool for stylists in 2024

Sève already has more than 900 registered stylists!


Meet Sève, a fashion tech tool easing stylist’s workflow

“Launched in Paris by Julia Sisto and Joshua Kelly, the platform has already been adopted by such stylists as Elizabeth Saltzman, Tom Eerebout and Rachael Wang.”


It's free for you!

Plans start at €150/month.

Plans start at €300/month.

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