Céline Sabbagh

Julia Sisto (Sève): When I met you 4 years ago you were working at Vogue USA with industry veteran Michael Philouze. You come from what is sometimes referred to as "the school of Condé Nast". What would you say that "school" has taught you?

Céline Sabbagh: I love the way you’re referring to it, indeed there is no better school to learn and get experience in the field! I learnt all about the process of building a high-end fashion story, from pitch ideas to the final layout in the magazine. Being surrounded by industry leaders and learning from them on a daily basis is definitely something I cherish up until today. They teach you that passion and grit is mandatory to succeed in the fashion industry!

"passion and grit is mandatory to succeed in the fashion industry!"

JS: Do you have any "pinch me moments" that stand out to you from your career?

CS: Yes, the MET gala! It's a truly unique experience both for the event itself but also for the exhibition that comes with it.

On a day to day basis, all of the shoots I attended constitute a unique memory. It'd be hard to pick only one but I'd say that my favorites include the ones with Sarah Jessica Parker and Vanessa Paradis. Two fashion icons I’ve been following really closely from a young age!

Céline at the MET Gala in 2019

JS: A stylist's job can be very stressful at times, what would you say are the biggest challenges? And do you have any tricks to stay organized?

CS: I'm organized by personality and have a visual memory, so luckily this industry is the right fit for me! When it comes to planning for shoots, I use color coding: I document every step of a sample making its way to me and update the colors accordingly on my boards. You'll never see without my computer and my fashion boards. We can all agree that the logistics are definitely the most (and only) annoying part of the job. Thank God for Sève!

"the logistics are definitely the most (and only) annoying part of the job. Thank God for Sève!"

Vanessa Paradis for L'Uomo Vogue
Photography: Peter Lindbergh, Styling: Michael Philouze assisted by Céline Sabbagh

JS: Last year, you launched shopping guides on l'Accent and are constantly up to date with the industry and new exciting designers. Where do you go to discover them?

CS: I'm curious and this industry is much more than just a job for me. As a result, I'm constantly on the look for the next big idea, fashion designer and trend. Some of the tools I use include Vogue Runway (for the more established designers) and Instagram (for the more niche and up-and-coming ones). Staying up to date with the fashion calendar is also key to learn about the new trends on the runway. As soon as I see something I like and find interesting, I dig into the designer's collection and world.

JS: On the topic of fashion discovery, is there anything that you are particularly excited about in the industry's constantly evolving landscape?

CS: I've been looking really closely at NFTs lately! NFTs are a unique and new way for creators to share their work with the digitally native generations and create an alternative way of monetizing their content. Through another dimension, you can share a garment, an accessory or a magazine cover for example. We've already seen some designers and brands including them in their digital collection but we are still just at the beginning and I can't wait to see what the future holds and will definitely dig into that space (if I'm not already)..!

"NFTs are a unique and new way for creators to share their work with the digitally native generations ... I can't wait to see what the future holds"

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